Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Snow, Sun, Wind, and Work

March is surely coming in like a lion here in Colorado.  It is snowing in the mountains right now and sunny in Denver.  This morning we had 1/2 and inch of snow outside the office and the sun just came out in full force.  Dispatch is having a heck of a time keeping up with road closures resulting in delayed deliveries and frustrated customers.  Last week most of the main roads in and out of the state where closed due to poor weather conditions and blowing snow.  Bart did a great job getting all the work moved, rescheduled and most importantly, making our customers satisfied that we would indeed be showing up.  Summer is just around the corner and we are gearing up.  We are stocking up on lumber, fl kits and employees to handle the coming wave of transferees in and out of the state.  We are all looking forward giving you some insight into our company and our third party business with our Blog.

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