Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tourists and Colorado

This picture was taken in the West Elk Wilderness close to Gunnison Colorado. 

The summer is over and its time to get back to the important things in life like posting on a blog. 

Back to the picture.  The West Elk Wilderness is spectacular, especially with fall color.  During the drive over one of the mountain passes to get into West Elk you frequently see people stopping in the middle of road to snap a picture.  Sometimes they leave there car doors open, the kids are piling out and the dogs run loose.  At times it can be tough to get around them.  One of my passengers on this trip could not believe how inconsiderate these people where.  I have different take on it. 

The way I see it most some of these folks have never seen wilderness like this on such a grand scale. Maybe they are factory workers from back east who just retired and decided to travel, foreign tourists who are getting a first look at the scale of a national park, or just folks who recently moved here getting out of the big city for the first time.  I explained to my passenger that these people are not rude, or stupid, they are in awe, they are having an epiphany.  There brains are short circuiting. This is amazing, why would you not just stop dead in your tracks and whip out the camera.  Road be damned, this is amazing.  Nowadays I just think its cute and it makes me proud that the scenery in our state will inspire people to forget about life for a little while, park in the middle of  road and soak it in. 

Understanding and patience can go a long way in our business dealings.  If you understand what a customer is going through during the moving process its much easier to be forgiving for what we perceive as bad behaviour.  Knowing that the customer is usually not like this can help lower our stress level.  For the life of me though, I cannot understand why you could be stressed out about moving to Colorado.

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