Monday, March 5, 2012

Cleaning House

It feels like a summer day today.  Over the weekend I noticed the gardens are starting to come to life.  We still have patches of snow on the ground around Denver so it's a stark contrast when you walk by the front of your house and see emerging plants and walk around to the backyard to a remaining snow drift. 

Spring is here.  As a kid I remember the first real day of spring occurred when my mother used to open all the windows and clean the house from top to bottom leaving no stone or dirty sock for that matter go unturned. When you went to bed that night the sheets smelled clean and fresh like the outside.

It feels like that around here today.  Peters digging through the parts room finding dusty old front load washer kits worth a bloody fortune.  We are doing some much needed work on the shop, vans and office.  All the doors are open and the last minute jobs are coming in hot and heavy today.  Summer is just around the corner.

Above are Bee, H, Jesse Boy, Barefoot Charlie

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