Monday, April 9, 2012

Electron Microscopes and Ruska's Prototype

Wow, I think this was SMS's second Electron Microscope.  You just don't run into these often.
The biggest obstacle to handling these is the sheer weight of the unit and fact that most of the weight is located on top tube, about 700 pounds of lead.  This unit although old, about 30 years, it still  maintains its value, up to $150,000.  The pallet was engineered to handle the bulk of the weight on one side. 

The prototype for the first one was back in 1931 and here is a picture of it. 

Ernst Ruska's Prototype

The design and size look close to the newer models.  Although contemporary microscopes are capable of two million-power magnification, as scientific instruments, they remain based upon Ruska's prototype. Ken and Peter and crew did a fine job being patient with busy engineers, logistics in and out of the building and timing the construction and delivery schedules for a demanding customer on seldom seen equipment.

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