Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Happy Easter!

Wow,  this winter just flew by.  Easter marks for us the beginning of spring, the busy season and yet another Easter party at the non palatial Ray estate.  We have traditionally have always had an open house on this upcoming special day. We pray for good weather.  There are no formal invitations, just stop by if you can.
The Bloody Marys flow like water.  One year one of our dear male friends donned my wife's faux rabbit fur coat and was teaching some of the ladies a dance in my living room to an artist formally known as prince song.  It can get a little out of hand sometimes and then you have to take into account the home depreciation with 20 or so little kids running around, none of which belong to me.   My kids are all grown up so to speak and above egg hunting.  Which leads me into my next segue.  

This week I was digging up a raspberry patch that had taken over a part of the back yard.  If it likes the area, it is more like a weed.  I was just finishing up and noticed a shiny blue patch in the dirt.  I dug it out and guess what, a plastic Easter egg from an Easter egg hunt past.  It must have been there for at least 10 years.  I am no paleontologist but, you could tell it had been sitting there getting covered up for quite some time.  I opened it and found a still shiny quarter.  We still hide eggs for other people kids, but I miss the hectic scrambling and have not forgotten the  excitement of my own kids finding those eggs and shiny quarters.  One of my kids saw what I was holding and he said, "cool, is that an Easter Egg"!?  I could tell by the look in his eyes that he had not forgotten either.  Happy Easter all.

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